Zwei kraftvolle Motoren (Carbon Bürsten-Motor)
erzeugen ein Gesamtluftvolumen von 6,53 m³/Min
(die höchste Luftdurchsatzmenge in dieser Klasse).
Durch zwei Geschwindigkeiten und zwei Temperaturstufen
lässt sich die Durchsatzmenge und Hitze einfach anpassen
und kontrollieren. Inkl. 3 Föhnkopfaufsätzen (2 runde, 1 flacher)
Technische Spezifikationen:
Luftvolumen: 6,53 m3/min
Gewicht: 6 kg
Type: Blaster
Motor Type: Carbon Brushes
Spannung: 220-240V
Frequenz: 60 Hz
Leistung: 1334 Watt
Geräuschpegel: 83/84 dB
Two Powerful Motors produce total air volume
of 6,53 m3/min - the highest in it's class!
Produces more air due to the aerodynamic
housing design and a smooth hose lining
(less ridges inside the hose), reducing resistance
when air travels through the hose, thereby
increasing the air volume. All nozzles twist-on
to the hoses to prevent "pop-off" that can occur
with other forced air dryers. Includes 3 versatile
attachments for any drying need and a crushproof
heat resistant hose. Two speeds and two temperatures.
The housing is virtually indestructible and will not rust,
dent or crack as metal housings can. It will retain its
beauty much longer than metal dryers. Two-year
warranty for private use, one-year warranty for
professional use.